Lesson: 16 - Application Install & Uninstall

Purpose: Student Learn how to install & uninstall applications.

No. of Classes

One class - One hour.

Materials Required

Desktop Computer or Laptop.

Curriculum Content 2.6)Apps install & uninstall.

Prior knowledge

Student should be aware of applications and executable files.



1. How to Install and Uninstall Application software in your system?


2. How to Install and Uninstall Apps in your Android Tablet/Phone?


  • Link to view the Solution Video for Exercise-1 (Solution).
  • Link to view the Solution Video for Exercise-2 (Solution).

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Teachers can ensure have the students to iinstall and uninstall other applications also like Chrome, OpenOffice, etc.
    2. Teacher should notify note the processor and operating system (32- or 64-bit operating system and 32- or 64-bit processor) and may point it to the students as well.
    3. Teachers should note witch types of OS is in their system (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android & IOS.
    4. After installing point out that the application icon is now there in the menu (may be in the desktop as well), the application directory will be in C:\Program Files and also in the Settings->Apps->Installed Apps.
    5. This lesson cannot be done in the HighTech labs. Teacher can just show this in their own laptop.